Unlike many parents, I always strive to reduce my kids' screen time. With digital learning taking center stage, I want them to have enough time for outdoor play or any physical activity to balance out their screen usage. However, I must say, it's incredibly challenging to manage today's generation on my own terms. To tackle this, I decided to spend quality time with my kids by playing online educational games. This way, I have control over what they are watching or doing on the internet. While searching for various online educational game sites or apps, I came across CulinarySchools.org , and we decided to try some of its educational games. I really love these games, as they provide a great way to bond with my children while learning together! Games for Children The Culinary Schools website boasts a wide selection of games focused on cooking, education, and more. The best part is that there’s no need to download any apps; you can simply browse the website and play numerous...
Hello everyone.. I am here with another exciting post which is again from Rewardme.in and I think this one is another the best article among all .. Previously I had written another best article from the same.. Hope you all will like it too. Actually after being a mother ,the responsibility increases with the growth of baby. It is our duty to build our child's future in a great way from the begining itself. I always careful in this way.. Now my son is 2years old and I know that,he is very small for all those big big things,but u never realise that time flies so fast. For that you have to be ready from the beginning , and that's the reason I always love reading articles regarding baby care,and responsibilities related articles, etc. The article about which I am talking is https://www.rewardme.in/family/child-and-you/article/great-resolutions-for-kids . There are some really helpful points which makes your toddler's life easier and brings discipline in their life as well as thought. I am going to mention some of them below for my readers..
1- Be Positive : Always be positive and think positive. Always encourage your child by telling him the posive tings they did in previous year/times ,that will put a great impact on their mind and do encourage them to do whatever they like if there is no harm of course.
2- Be a Respective Role Model : As a parent it is very important to be the role model of your child. Always be their friend. Share your your thoughts with them and be ready to listen their thoughts as well. If you want to make any changes in their current habit then explain that in proper way to your child which makes the procedure easier to absorb..
3- Narrow Down the List : When it comes to taking resolutions, unlike we adults babies are good with 2-3 resolutions. Sit with your child and listed down their thought or wishes .. Don't put your imagination on them.. When there is a proper destination infornt of your child,it will better for their future..
4- Take Baby Steps and Follow up: Don't ever think that everything will happen in just one minutes. Babies/child always take their own time to learn any new thing. So wait for some days or weeks and give them sufficient time to catch any new thing or built any new habit. Especially if your baby is a 4-5 years toddler then it is important to listed down the resolutions and put that on a appropriate place in front of your child's study table or near bed. andcheck the development day by day. That will be easier to understand for the parents and the child as well.
5- Make a Family Resolution: It is the best way to built any new habit in your child. Make your family resolution and show that to your baby and that will help your child to make their own resolution.Spend quality family time together and share each others thought . That will put a great positive impact on child's thought.
So here is the end of the post..Hope you found this helpful ..Bye..
“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”
1- Be Positive : Always be positive and think positive. Always encourage your child by telling him the posive tings they did in previous year/times ,that will put a great impact on their mind and do encourage them to do whatever they like if there is no harm of course.
2- Be a Respective Role Model : As a parent it is very important to be the role model of your child. Always be their friend. Share your your thoughts with them and be ready to listen their thoughts as well. If you want to make any changes in their current habit then explain that in proper way to your child which makes the procedure easier to absorb..
3- Narrow Down the List : When it comes to taking resolutions, unlike we adults babies are good with 2-3 resolutions. Sit with your child and listed down their thought or wishes .. Don't put your imagination on them.. When there is a proper destination infornt of your child,it will better for their future..
4- Take Baby Steps and Follow up: Don't ever think that everything will happen in just one minutes. Babies/child always take their own time to learn any new thing. So wait for some days or weeks and give them sufficient time to catch any new thing or built any new habit. Especially if your baby is a 4-5 years toddler then it is important to listed down the resolutions and put that on a appropriate place in front of your child's study table or near bed. andcheck the development day by day. That will be easier to understand for the parents and the child as well.
5- Make a Family Resolution: It is the best way to built any new habit in your child. Make your family resolution and show that to your baby and that will help your child to make their own resolution.Spend quality family time together and share each others thought . That will put a great positive impact on child's thought.
So here is the end of the post..Hope you found this helpful ..Bye..
“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”
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