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Culinary School Games Review - Experience

 Unlike many parents, I always strive to reduce my kids' screen time. With digital learning taking center stage, I want them to have enough time for outdoor play or any physical activity to balance out their screen usage. However, I must say, it's incredibly challenging to manage today's generation on my own terms. To tackle this, I decided to spend quality time with my kids by playing online educational games. This way, I have control over what they are watching or doing on the internet. While searching for various online educational game sites or apps, I came across , and we decided to try some of its educational games. I really love these games, as they provide a great way to bond with my children while learning together! Games for Children The Culinary Schools website boasts a wide selection of games focused on cooking, education, and more. The best part is that there’s no need to download any apps; you can simply browse the website and play numerous...

What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.

What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.
What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.

You might have heard from your grand mother or from the elders of house that oil is one of the best moisturizer for skin.  And I believe on that . See, these days so many kinds of essential oils available which we can use directly on skin to get the maximum benefits.. Similarly Rosehip oil is really great for skin . In this post I am going to talk about what is actually Rosehip oil and its benefits towards skincare . 

What is Rosehip Oil ? 

What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.
What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.

Rosehip oil is a pressed seed oil which extracted from the seeds of wild rose bush . Rosehip oil has maximum skincare benefits and also has awesome healing properties. This oil is really great for sensitive skin and also for dry skin type. Rosehip oil is well known for its hydrating and anti-aging properties.

It has high level of essential fatty acids specially Omega-3 (linolenic acid) and Omega-6 (linoleic acid) which are effective for softening skin and improving skin barrier function. High concentration of Omega-6 fatty acids in rosehip oil makes it appropriate for acne prone skin or problematic skin. It works great for curing blemishes and hyper pigmentation. 

Rosehip Oil Skincare Benefits 

Improve Skin Texture and Fights Acne -

Un-nourished skin creats excess oil secretion on face which tends to acne and other skin issues. In this case Rosehip oil works wonder . Rosehip oil is non-comedogenic hence unclog pores and prevents pimples. Oily skin generally lack of linoleic acid and rosehip oil has maximum quantity of omega-6 fatty acid which ultimately cure all kinds of oily skin issues. You just have to take a cotton ball , put 2-3drops of rosehip oil on it and gently dab on face . Put it like this for 15-29 minutes and wash properly .  .

Dry skin people can also use this as a moisturizer because of it's great hydrating nature . Use it during the night time skincare . You can also mix it with hyaluronic acid to get better result. 

Great Anti-aging Property -

Vitamin A and vitamin C stimulates collagen production and offers anti-aging benefits. Rosehip oil has lycopene which is well known for it's rejuvenating properties .Rosehip oil also reduce wrinkles and fine lines (specially around the eyes) with regular application.

What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.
What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.

Great Healing Ability. Good option for dry lips -

The high concentration of vitamin A, B1 , B2 , B3 and K present in Rosehip oil makes it a best option to regenerate and heal skin .

It is again great to heal dry and cracked lips . You can mix 1-2 drops of rosehip oil with butter and apply on lips . Do it 4-5times a day on regular basis to notice the positive result .

Reduce Stretch Marks -

Because of the high amount of fatty acid present in rosehip oil, it is great in healing skin . Hence it is a good option to apply on stretch marks. It actually reduces the density of stretch marks.

Good for nails  - 

Rosehip oil also protects nails from breakage and strengthen those . You can apply few drops of rosehip oil directly on nails and on the cuticles too . 

Along with all these skincare benefits, rosehip oil is also good for hair and body also . But I will definitely suggest to consult doctor before applying anything for your body incase you have any allergy issue. If you are pregnant,then don't use anything without the consultation of yout gynaecologist. 

There are so many Indian brands also making Rosehip essential oil .. Nykaa , St. Botanica , Juicy Chemistry, Soulflower, Good Vibes are some of the Indian brands you can try out.. 

*Don't forget to use a patch test before trying out any skincare stuffs .

What is Rosehip Oil ? Rosehip Oil's Skincare Benefits.
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Hope you liked this post and found this helpful for you. See you in the next post.


Pic courtesy - Pixabay

Disclaimer - This blog post is completely based on my own thought and research. All the information mentioned here are my own words and i have shared from my own experience. Everyone's skintype is different, hence the products work differently on each other's skin. Please don't try to be judgemental and don't try to copy my content . 


  1. Wow I had never heard of Rosehip oil, this is so new to me and I would definitely want to try the oil. Its amazing that it has so many benefits as well.

  2. Yes, Rosehip oil has the power to work wonders in your daily skincare routine by moisturising. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. There are so many skin benefits of Rosehip oil

  3. I didnt even known about this
    Wow what an intriguing product....and the many benefits are incredible

  4. I didn’t knew so much info about the rosehip oils.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow! I didn't know Rosehip oil had so many benefits. I really enjoyed your detailed blog post. It's such an all-in-one kind of resource.

  6. I would definitely buy the rosehip oil as I feel it will improve my overall skin texture and fight acne. I like that it has anti-ageing properties as well.

  7. I had done some research on rose hip oil before and you have explained it excellently. Very beneficial for skin.

  8. I really had no clue about this oil and now when I know it helps in acne and anti aging will sure try this ..Thanks for sharing this

  9. This entire post was so informative for me. I went and googled and was amazed to see its benefits. Does it smell like rose? Then I might give it a try.

  10. Very Informative post. And thanks for the disclaimer. Will try this to the parts which are not very sensitive.If works will add this in my beauty regeim.

  11. I am hearing such raving reviews of this oil buddy and now you too recommend it, will be trying it at the earliest

  12. Wow this is a good way to keep our skin from ageing. Though I haven't heard of rosehip before, it's still a good tip.

  13. Snigdha you have explained every pointer in very detailed manner, now I know what to look in for a oil.

  14. I like rose hip oil too.It is great for skin care I have seen.Will check out your recommendations.Very interesting review

  15. I wish Mujhe is oil ke bare main pahle pata hota, it has several beneficial properties for the skin. Agree too, a skin patch test is important before using the oil.

  16. I love rosehip oil because of its proven anti-ageing properties. I use dome in my diy face packs.

  17. I didn't know rosehip oil has so many benefits like stretch marks and dry lips. Will check the sites you mentioned.

  18. Rosehip oil is good to improves skin blemishes. I have used it over time and seen positive changes on my skin. It is necessary to find the right and pure oil.

  19. Hey! Where do we get rosehip oil from? I mean what if I want to make a facial mask using rosehip oil? Overall a very useful blog. Home remedies work very well for all skin-types.


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